In 2020 the Abbey Care Home closed its doors for the last time and the residents left for good. Local people objected: they presented a 2000 strong petition. It was their Abbey, it had always been their safe future if things got tough. Cumbria CC closed it anyway.

We have produced an innovative, costed proposal that matched local needs. It was so exciting we were offered a £260,000 grant to prepare for the build and make our case even stronger.

As of 1st April the Abbey Care Home site transferred to Westmorland and Furness Council, who promise to revisit the decision made by Cumbria County Council to sell the building to the highest bidder. This provides a new opportunity to make the case for the New Abbey with a council committed to ‘working closely with residents and businesses to help them to shape their own destiny and thrive.’ Westmorland and Furness Priorities 2023.

Hugh Tomlinson, CEO Age UK Southlakeland agrees with us that the proposal ‘demonstrates perfectly what can be achieved in an active Civil Society and your template project could certainly be duplicated across the country.’

Read more about what he said about us.

Staveley, Ings, Kentmere and Crook!

Our Abbey was to be sold by formal tender. This means that on 19 January 2023, there should have been a new owner agreed. But it didn’t happen. The new local authority Westmorland and Furness Council have put the disposal is on hold.

AT the moment they are working with local register providers of social housing. They have invited us to be part of that discussion and we hope we can work with them to get as near as possible to the community vision.

This means that we can not see a way that we’ll be in a position to purchase The Abbey in the near future.

If you donated to our Crowdfunder the money will be returned automatically. If you donated through BACS transfer and cheque we will return these to in January.

Nobody should have to leave their locality for the care they need.

So we’re campaigning to create the New Abbey:

Join Staveley Community Trust so you can have your say in developments.

Campaign by talking to our local councillors and taking part in consultations.

Help out with ideas, time and skills. Let us know what you can offer.

Find out about our plans for a support hub with 16 extra-care apartments .

If you have any comments or queries let us know and we’ll try to answer them.

Go to our media page and find out what people are saying about us.

Staveley Community Trust (SCT) has been set up to develop the New Abbey on behalf of the community. Anyone can be a member and be part of this exciting new project.

Our proposal is for 16 extra-care apartments and a hub where you can meet up with friends, have a meal and get support if you need it.

You can help preserve the Abbey for the Community